Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Some Scribbles are Just Really Scribbly

I guess all scribbles can't be perfect. This one got a bit away from me, but I hate to throw stuff away.

Title: International Jeopardy

Picking Up What's Left Behind

Consolation: There are never any lay-offs in the shit-shoveling department.

Title: Leading From Behind

Sunday, October 4, 2015

One Never Knows...

Tho supposedly there is a rule that top nations cannot have their own leaders become Secretary General of the United Nations, perhaps there may be a way, just this one time??

Title: Our Next UN Secy General

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Turn Your Own Damned Cheek

Cos leading from behind is getting us slapped around for your sake, ya majestic moron. Not for our sake.

Title: Peace is Sloppy

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

We Know Everything About Everything, Until We Don't

Well, what are elections for, anyway?
Meantime, Josh wasn't joshing about almost being earnest... in so many words, earlier today, re: Russian invasion of Syria.

Title: Press Secy Update

When Trump Came to Town

At the CNN Debate in mid-September '15, The Donald gets right down to business, cutting to the chase. I mean, seriously, why else give a damn?

Title: CNN - GOP Debate 2015

A Couple of Recent Herr H Scribbles...

... that I just couldn't resist scribbling.

Title: Herr H Debates

Title: Herr H Classified Relations

Defending the POTUS

Sometimes, it just feels this way, doesn't it?

Title: Nah Nah, Missed Me

The Lesser of Two Evils

Everyone Has a Lesser of Two Evils... most recently in human society, we've managed somehow to blend two evils together, lest one or the other become insulted and devour its opposite, entirely.

Title: 2 Ways 2 Get Rich

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The POTUSSR Makes a Decision

Amazingly, some leaders do lead from behind the sights with 20-20 vision...

 Title: Politburo Humor

Our POTUS on the World Stage

What happens at G-Whatev Doesn't Stay at G-Whatev...

Title: Transparency

A Couple of Things Re: Planet Earth (That You Really Should Know About)

How we came to be the thing which should never be...

Title: Alien Government

Title: Land of the Free

If Herr H Should Happen to Win...

It's all about the little people... but it's always about the little people... you'd think there'd be no little people left by now, that's how much it's always about the little people...

Title: Herr H Bong Hits

On the Campaign Trail for Herr H - so far...

Well, sometimes it really is hard to deal with the public, I know...

Title: Herr H Wisdom

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Billy's Illustrious Lineage and Historic Marriage

I hear HW's daughter-in-law is running for POTUS. Have you heard too?

Title: Brother from Another Mother

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2 Campaign Posters Worthy of Using as Billboards

Why wait for some breaking-in period of mandatory adulation when you can get if off your chest now??

Title: Divine Right

Title: Finger of Goddess

Okay, I used MS Paint for My Futurist Human

Thumbs and eyeballs. That's all we will need at some point, soon... though i would add an ass to those thumbs and eyeballs. Maybe next time, when i think to draw this concept again, i will add the ass. It should have an ass.

Title: All Thumbs

2016 Future POTUS Ambitions Announced

She calls herself H on Twitter, with the arrow pointing to her name...
Herr H, it is.

Title: Unicorns 4 Herr H

2nd Helping of Scribbles, Notebook Paper is Official Chosen Medium

A couple of recent incidents prompted me to scribble these two scribbles...

 Title: He Is Who He Is

Title: Pen is Mightier than Crusades

First Scribbles that what i call Scribbles, Officially Uploaded

Uploading some "artwork" i've been doing lately, which i call "scribbles" for lack of a better description. They're all basically satire and irony in the political, social, and Geo-economic realms. So, here's the first batch from just the beginning of this year, when i decided to get back to drawing in my somewhat scribbly way... a practice i put aside, time to time, like everything else.

Title: Money Grows on Trees

Title:  PS Alumni on the Job

Title: Shrink's Couch

 Title: Washington Goes to Circus