Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Some Scribbles are Just Really Scribbly

I guess all scribbles can't be perfect. This one got a bit away from me, but I hate to throw stuff away.

Title: International Jeopardy

Picking Up What's Left Behind

Consolation: There are never any lay-offs in the shit-shoveling department.

Title: Leading From Behind

Sunday, October 4, 2015

One Never Knows...

Tho supposedly there is a rule that top nations cannot have their own leaders become Secretary General of the United Nations, perhaps there may be a way, just this one time??

Title: Our Next UN Secy General

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Turn Your Own Damned Cheek

Cos leading from behind is getting us slapped around for your sake, ya majestic moron. Not for our sake.

Title: Peace is Sloppy