Wednesday, September 30, 2015

We Know Everything About Everything, Until We Don't

Well, what are elections for, anyway?
Meantime, Josh wasn't joshing about almost being earnest... in so many words, earlier today, re: Russian invasion of Syria.

Title: Press Secy Update

When Trump Came to Town

At the CNN Debate in mid-September '15, The Donald gets right down to business, cutting to the chase. I mean, seriously, why else give a damn?

Title: CNN - GOP Debate 2015

A Couple of Recent Herr H Scribbles...

... that I just couldn't resist scribbling.

Title: Herr H Debates

Title: Herr H Classified Relations

Defending the POTUS

Sometimes, it just feels this way, doesn't it?

Title: Nah Nah, Missed Me

The Lesser of Two Evils

Everyone Has a Lesser of Two Evils... most recently in human society, we've managed somehow to blend two evils together, lest one or the other become insulted and devour its opposite, entirely.

Title: 2 Ways 2 Get Rich